The visual design of RA3’s troops is another bad effort at copying gameplay is just half of the story. The attack dog has a sonic stun-bark not because it requires it for its early anti-infantry defensive function, but because RA3’s unit design philosophy is “the more abilities we can hurl on these units, the better.” Unfortunately, quantity does not often equate to quality, and the result is three armies of units handicapped by bloat, with an excessive amount of buttons to push that are needless at best and overpowering at worst.
Whereas the troops in RA2 had their oddities incorporated into common operations like moving or attacking, RA3 tosses at you a bucket full of varied capabilities seen in each MOBA. Whip of Paralysis The attack dog, too, has a “Sonic Bark.” It’s a clumsy effort to capitalize on RA2’s intriguing and unusual units. Beam of Leech Aegis Shield is a shield that protects you from harm. The gameplay elements of RA2 were brought to their logical conclusion, most notably that every single unit in RA3 has an active ability. The issue with this is that it emphasizes how superior Westwood was at building an RTS. Command & Conquer: Rivalsīringing back legendary troops isn’t the problem it’s that the game’s only skill is trying to resemble RA2. Maybe a team-based game on a segmented map where the units sought to destroy one other’s bases while being accompanied by AI-controlled forces… Instead of discovering upgrades in boxes, you could have earned money for those improvements every time you killed an opponent. This online war arena may have had a more cherished position in gaming history if it had received more time and effort playing a deathmatch as a single unit in an RTS was a fun notion, but it required more depth and complexity. However, it was very little developed beyond this basic concept-Sole Survivor would have been better served as a multiplayer component in the original game rather than as a separate title. Players chose a single C&C unit and competed online against up to 50 opponents, collecting power-up boxes across the battlefield to improve their strength. But Sole Survivor is a legitimate game-or at least it was when it was released in late 1997 as a spin-off to the original Command and Conquer. Most C&C lovers have probably never heard of, never alone played, this game.