I could not say whether these steps would solve all problems that seemed similar to this one this was just what had worked for me in this case. reg file that would make the changes automatically.
#Video server execution failed manual
I had to restore the right location, either using manual registry edits at the appropriate locations or by running a. In short, the solution in this case was that the registry had somehow been told to look for my Personal and other everyday folders in the wrong location. The problem involved Programs and Features, and that’s all I learned from that CLSID location in the registry. But in this case that seemed unnecessary: Regedit wasn’t telling me anything that I didn’t already know.

Generally, it seemed that the parts of the first line of the Server Execution error might be pointing toward items on a list of Windows Special Folders, and that those could be found and examined with a Ctrl-F search in the registry via Regedit. A search for that, in Regedit, found it in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID. Instead, after a delay of a minute or less, during which the Start button and taskbar were unresponsive, I got this error message: For some reason, the list of installed programs did not come up. I went into Control Panel > Programs and Features.

In my case, the solution was just to make sure that all necessary drives - the drives that the registry might expect to find, that I would be accessing in normal usage - were connected and mounted. This post provides a long discussion of various efforts to solve this problem. This writeup of those efforts may be useful for people who are getting this error message for assorted reasons.